No employee working or trying to work for an employer in California or the rest of the United States may be discriminated against on the basis of race. Nevertheless, workplace racial discrimination happens every day at California. As such, it’s important for workers to learn their rights under federal law and to familiarize themselves with regard to what their employers cannot do in terms of racial discrimination.
Here’s what is considered unlawful under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:
- Refusing to hire someone, or failing to hire a job applicant on the basis of his or her race;
- Terminating the employment of an employee or disciplining an employee due to his or her race;
- Paying less to an employee or awarding fewer benefits to an employee because of his or her race;
- Refusing benefits, raises, opportunities and promotions to an employee due to his or her race; and
- Segregating employees from one another as a result of their races.
Were you the victim of racial discrimination at your workplace in California? You may have been discriminated against many times and never even realized it. Perhaps only now you’ve seen the pattern of continued preferential treatment to other employees who happen to have a different race from your own. This kind of treatment is unlawful under state and federal law.
If you can prove the pattern of racial discrimination that has negatively harmed you at your workplace, you may be able to seek financial compensation in court for the monetary damages and lost opportunities that the discrimination has caused you. An experienced California employment law attorney can review the facts of your case to determine whether you may have a viable claim for damages in this regard.
Source: Findlaw, “Racial discrimination in the workplace,” accessed July 21, 2017