The Family and Medical Leave Act is an important part of employee rights in the United States. This federal law allows eligible employees to take unpaid, job-protected leave for certain family and medical reasons. It is so helpful to employees that the U.S. Department...
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FMLA Claims
Understanding the Family and Medical Leave Act
Job protection is important for many employees, and especially for those who have been in the same position for years or depend on a specific salary to support their families. Fortunately, the Family and Medical Leave Act allows employees to take unpaid leave for a...
How to request Family and Medical Leave Act leave
Thanks to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you may be able to take time away from work to deal with a major medical problem that's affecting you or an immediate family member. However, even if you qualify for FMLA, there are steps you must take in order to...
A Silicon Valley engineer had her leave cut after losing baby
A Silicon Valley engineer has filed suit against her employer Informatica for pregnancy discrimination after she says that she was ordered to return to work early after losing her baby. In her court filing late last month, the woman outlined how she was elated to find...
Family and Medical Leave Act and serious health conditions
If you're interested in taking a leave from work to care for a serious health condition, it's critical to learn more about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). More specifically, focus on the serious health conditions that qualify for leave. Here are four points...
Are there alternatives to Family Medical Leave Act?
Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for unpaid leave from your job under the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Under FMLA, eligible employees can take off a maximum of 12 weeks of work, unpaid, during a 12-month period. Furthermore, taking FMLA...
California is seeking to educate new dads about family leave
California has one of the most generous paid family leave programs of any state in the country. However, not everyone knows how much leave they're entitled to take. This lack of awareness is particularly concerning when it involves new fathers. The California...
A San Francisco worker wins her family leave claim
A San Francisco woman has received hundreds of thousands of dollars as a settlement in her wrongful termination case. She was let go from her restaurant job because her employer poorly handled her family medical leave situation. The woman had worked for her employer...
Why do Family and Medical Leave Act violations often occur?
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has been in effect in the United States since 1993. Even still, the Department of Labor says that many companies continue to make mistakes in implementing it. This puts them at risk of penalties and fines fined. There are a few...
Was my demotion wrongful because I took medical leave?
If you had to take medical leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for personal reasons or to take care of family, it is likely that you had to deal with a significant amount of stress during that period. It is unfair that you would then have to worry...