If you or a loved one suffered at the hands of a domestic abuser, you do not have to cope with the event at work. Victims of violence, assault, stalking and other crimes that cause mental and physical injury do not have to go to work while healing. Likewise, immediate family members of deceased victims of a crime may also take time off.
According to the Labor Commissioner’s Office, your employer must inform you when hired and when asked about your time off.
California protects your time off from work
If you need a restraining order to protect yourself, your children or other family members, you can take time off to seek relief from the court. Likewise, you may take time off for medical attention, psychological counseling and safety planning classes if your company has more than 25 workers.
While many employees use sick leave or paid vacation, you still have the right to take time off work even if you do not have any sick leave or vacation days.
California guarantees reasonable accommodations for victims and loved ones
In addition to allowing you time off work, you can also ask your employer to change your workplace to ensure your safety. For example, you may need to have your work number changed or your office moved to a different area. Your employer cannot reveal your request to your colleagues when you ask for accommodations.
No matter the time off you take or the accommodations you ask for, your employer cannot retaliate against you.