The Importance of the #MeToo Movement
Coming forward as a victim of sexual harassment is not easy to do because you may feel like you are alone and worry about the ramifications. The #MeToo movement has been an incredible tool to encourage more survivors to come forward because it lets you see proof that there are others out there who understand what you are going through.
The attorneys at Lawless, Lawless & McGrath in San Francisco, California, understand how difficult it is to come forward with sexual harassment accusations. They want to provide you the same support and confidence that the #MeToo movement does. Through zealous representation, a commitment to fight for your rights and a background in this area of law, our lawyers hope to gain your trust and help you through this difficult situation.
Fight Back Against Sexual Harassment
One of the best things to come out of the #MeToo movement is that it has taught women that they do not have to put up with sexual harassment in the workplace. Regardless of the environment, you should feel safe and comfortable at work. Nobody has the right to make you feel harassed when you are just trying to do your job.
Take back the power over the situation and put the law to work for you. Our sexual harassment attorneys are ready to guide you through the steps you need to take and assist you with gathering the information you need to present a solid case. If retaliation from your employer is a concern, then our lawyers know how to handle any issues you may come up against and provide you with information on what rights you have against retaliation.
Stand Up for Your Rights Today
If you find yourself part of #MeToo, then you can stand up for yourself today by contacting the attorneys at Lawless, Lawless & McGrath. Our caring and compassionate lawyers have a background in this area of law that enables them to provide you with guidance to get through the situation and assert your rights. Contact us today to start discussing your situation, or give us a call at 415-906-3108. Let our attorneys help you build a strong case that lets you hold those responsible accountable while also letting you put this horrible incident behind you.